First Roses Issa Plavac Mali

Plavac Mali from island Vis and know-how from Istria are apparentely a good combination. At first, brighter color has lowered my expectations, but then the nose and palates were nicely surprised. The recognizable characteristics of the variety are almost advertised with neon light signs in the nose and mouth. Every last percent of alcohol (14%), has been successfully covered. This is a ready-to-drink (and enjoy) wine, which I can offer at the same time to some wine snub and my mom who rarely drinks wine.
Plavac Mali from island Vis and know-how from Istria are apparentely a good combination. At first, brighter color has lowered my expectations, but then the nose and palates were nicely surprised. The recognizable characteristics of the variety are almost advertised with neon light signs in the nose and mouth. Every last percent of alcohol (14%), has been successfully covered. This is a ready-to-drink (and enjoy) wine, which I can offer at the same time to some wine snub and my mom who rarely drinks wine.
Nov 16th, 2018