Yannik Poirier
Tony Bubbles
Abraham Axler
Silky almost clear. Are with the porthole at belcanto. Reminds me of cashmere underwear.
Paul Boguszewski
One of the best whites in the Douro. Stunning
Charles-Everard de T'Serclaes
Surprisingly good. Although a Riesling would have been better...
Benjamin Kinzer
Tropical fruits with some citrus. Maybe guava and grapefruit. Nice with Korean pork tacos. Also desert if served just below room temp.
João Amat
João had this 2 years ago
Tetsuhiro Tomiyama
Tetsuhiro had this 7 years ago
Paulo Ribeiro
Paulo had this 7 years ago
Heather Antunes
Heather had this 8 years ago