Great acid. A very poor mans saunternes. Made with artificial boytrisis — 8 years ago
Great mineral, fruit notes almost metlatic a real joy to drink. Maybe almost like asteriko had at aramburu — 8 years ago
It's like an argentine palinka. Williams pear is one of my fav white alc this is light fruit and just sensational — 8 years ago
Fun to try alvarhino from Argentina. The only one made here. Not a stunner a bit attenuated but has the characteristics of a nice alberhino — 8 years ago
Juicy fresh delicious. Nice acid perfect breakfast wine. Great for graduation — 8 years ago
Can't go wrong for a quaffable riseling at 15 bucks a bottle in a table cloth restaurant. Patagonia Riesling leaves something to be desired. It's not very nice in the mouth and mostly just a simple dry white but fun to try something new. Initially served a little cold as it warms up a little more formal. Oddly high alc at 13.4 even from a cool part of Argentina — 8 years ago
Served cool. Extremely tannic intrigued by the choice. Some fruits but tough without food — 8 years ago
This is not at all correctly. Pretty conventional sparkling wine. A blend of Pinot noir and white grasses. Made in Mendoza — 8 years ago
Abraham Axler
Abraham had this 7 years ago