Weissenkirchener Ried Achleiten Smaragd Riesling

Wow. Last night it was the 1997 Knoll Gruner Smaragd Gruner. Very botrytis infected (inflected)
Tonight it's the Prager 1997 Riesling Smaragd. What a huge difference! Non botrytis Riesling from a great site/ 18 years old and still Holding. The difference is amazing the Knoll with the botritis lwas past its prime, the Prager or can still go another 5+
Wow. Last night it was the 1997 Knoll Gruner Smaragd Gruner. Very botrytis infected (inflected)
Tonight it's the Prager 1997 Riesling Smaragd. What a huge difference! Non botrytis Riesling from a great site/ 18 years old and still Holding. The difference is amazing the Knoll with the botritis lwas past its prime, the Prager or can still go another 5+

Wow, this shows the extreme difference between botrytis infected👎(inflected) 👎wines and non. Last night, 97 knoll, Gruner Smargd. Tonight, 97 Prager Riesling Smargd ( non botrytis inflected/ infected)
What a frickin delish non infected wine. Prager; absolutely gorgeous after 18 years! Bright yellow with incredible depth of fruit while still having amazing acidity at this age. The Knoll , While drinkable, was past its prime.
sign me up for Prager, Niholiahof & Alzinger (among others)
Wow, this shows the extreme difference between botrytis infected👎(inflected) 👎wines and non. Last night, 97 knoll, Gruner Smargd. Tonight, 97 Prager Riesling Smargd ( non botrytis inflected/ infected)
What a frickin delish non infected wine. Prager; absolutely gorgeous after 18 years! Bright yellow with incredible depth of fruit while still having amazing acidity at this age. The Knoll , While drinkable, was past its prime.
sign me up for Prager, Niholiahof & Alzinger (among others)