Pierrick Harang Wine

Le Petit Balthazar Cinsault Rosé

8.513 ratings
8.71 pro ratings
Top Notes For
Michael Meagher MS

Chairman/Founder Boston Sommelier Society, Beverage Director Cafe Escadrille


So long summer. Nice to have you visit once again.

So long summer. Nice to have you visit once again.

Sep 4th, 2016
Chris Sowick

Nice clean finish. Lemon tones.

Nice clean finish. Lemon tones.

Jul 16th, 2016
Jan Walker

Pale orangey red. Some deep notes in the flavor. Pleasant. Works with food. ABV 11, $7.99 special at Wine Cask.

Pale orangey red. Some deep notes in the flavor. Pleasant. Works with food. ABV 11, $7.99 special at Wine Cask.

May 5th, 2016
Peter Wassam

Man I paid six bucks for this and I would pay 3x as much. Crisp and dry and endlessly sippable. Where that bottle go? Like giving a girl five of the best strokes she ever get but its over way too soon so she mad, ya know? Peach skin. Depth of flavor unknown at price point.

Man I paid six bucks for this and I would pay 3x as much. Crisp and dry and endlessly sippable. Where that bottle go? Like giving a girl five of the best strokes she ever get but its over way too soon so she mad, ya know? Peach skin. Depth of flavor unknown at price point.

Apr 28th, 2016

Sharp. A bit dry. May have not really liked it because of what it was paired with for dinner: kale pesto pasta.

Tasted another bottle on its own; tart like an apple.

Sharp. A bit dry. May have not really liked it because of what it was paired with for dinner: kale pesto pasta.

Tasted another bottle on its own; tart like an apple.

Apr 21st, 2016
Kim Becraft

Good price... Yummy

Good price... Yummy

Apr 30th, 2016
Hunter Davidson

Hunter had this 9 years ago

Hunter had this 9 years ago

Aug 27th, 2016
Emily Vogel

Emily had this 9 years ago

Emily had this 9 years ago

Aug 26th, 2016
Vince Barrie

Vince had this 9 years ago

Vince had this 9 years ago

Aug 16th, 2016
Tommy Miller

Tommy had this 9 years ago

Tommy had this 9 years ago

Jul 31st, 2016