Paco Suro
A little funk on the nose which blew off. Lots of oak. QPR ok vs a Cali Cab at the same price point.
Leo Priemer
Very green pepper. Not my favorite from such an otherwise interesting producer.
João M. Neto
Bom vinho. Encorpado e aveludado. Achei melhor que Carmenere.
Bernard Petdomo
Love this wine. So smooth and the drinkability is awesome.
Mark Heathcote
Borsalino , rio July 2013 ... V nice red
Flavia Procianoy
Pizzaria basilico com meu pai
Gaby Vazquez
Nunca falla
Jose Nobre
Ponta das Canas.... degustando cafa. Um espetáculo!
barkkajang Park
I have two bottles of this wine, if you want to taste it, Let's to drink some near day^^ emmm Who are you? ^^ I suppose you are Korean, aren't you?^^
Liz Baker