Andre Sosa, Dr Orange
Wasn't good. Very acid. Asked to change it at the restaurant and all the box taste the same. Sorry Michel Torino
Milena Rubio
4€ in Sligro's
hugo lemos
pleasant, smooth, easy to drink
Jani Strandén
Erittäin hyvänmakuinen ja helppo juotava. Sopii ei niin kokeneillekkin punkun ystäville. Sopi hyvin härän kaverina
Sarah Wickham
Super value. High elevation makes this Malbec dainty.
Dana W
Pretty good!!!
Kaite M
Pretty good Malbec
Stephen Moore
Michel Torino Malbec
Lindley Maglio
Westville Hudson. Malbec from Salta.
Grant S.
I quite like this wine. Not too fruit-forward and quite a nice value