Хорошее слегка подгазировано полусухое
Хорошее слегка подгазировано полусухое
Sep 28th, 2017
What an interesting chloride flavor. Makes me think of summer days, swimming in a pool - then getting water in my mouth. Oddly chewy for a blend, and lacks the crispness you'd expect.
What an interesting chloride flavor. Makes me think of summer days, swimming in a pool - then getting water in my mouth. Oddly chewy for a blend, and lacks the crispness you'd expect.
Mar 21st, 2017
Not offensive not great - wouldn't bother next time. Unexpected fizz.
Not offensive not great - wouldn't bother next time. Unexpected fizz.
Sep 2nd, 2016
Effervescent with a little bit of sweetness. Light with minimal aftertaste. Tart cherry and raspberry.
Effervescent with a little bit of sweetness. Light with minimal aftertaste. Tart cherry and raspberry.
Jun 12th, 2015
Eew. I'm usually a huge fan of sweet rose wines but wow is this bitter! Not for me :(
Eew. I'm usually a huge fan of sweet rose wines but wow is this bitter! Not for me :(
Feb 21st, 2015
Легкое, простое
Jan 25th, 2015
A decent portuguese wine. Enjoyed it at a friend's wedding some time ago.
A decent portuguese wine. Enjoyed it at a friend's wedding some time ago.
Dec 9th, 2014
Despite the ratings I enjoyed the taste of this wine, nice chilled and a hot day. Reminds me of some delicious wedding wine.
Despite the ratings I enjoyed the taste of this wine, nice chilled and a hot day. Reminds me of some delicious wedding wine.
Nov 9th, 2014
Berk. Très acidulé, agressif. Non!
Berk. Très acidulé, agressif. Non!
Oct 28th, 2014
Federico had this 4 years ago
Federico had this 4 years ago
Jan 2nd, 2021