Luna Vineyards

Napa Valley Pinot Grigio

8.35 ratings
-no pro ratings
Napa Valley, California, USA
Pinot Grigio
White Fish, Goat & Feta Cheese, Cheddar & Gruyere, Potato, Pasta, Herbs, Meaty & Oily Fish, Chili & Hot Spicy, Salads & Greens, Squash & Root Vegetables, Mushrooms, Tomato-Based, White Rice, Beans & Peas, Nuts & Seeds, Soft Cheese, Shellfish, Crab & Lobster, Duck, Oyster, Mussel, Clam, Chicken, Pungent Cheese, Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Turkey, Shellfish, Oyster, Onion
Top Notes For
Lee Hill

Typically not an interesting grape but this takes it to an unpleasant level with the almost 14% abv and off putting astringency

Typically not an interesting grape but this takes it to an unpleasant level with the almost 14% abv and off putting astringency

May 28th, 2016
Jeff Scholfield

Smooth, without much acidity.

Smooth, without much acidity.

Dec 11th, 2015
Pras Vijay

Pras had this 8 years ago

Pras had this 8 years ago

May 28th, 2017
Jonathan Botello

Jonathan had this 9 years ago

Jonathan had this 9 years ago

Oct 7th, 2015
Randall Bettman

Randall had this 10 years ago

Randall had this 10 years ago

Jun 4th, 2015