Strawberry cheesecake, some herbs! Well balanced and quite delicious.
Strawberry cheesecake, some herbs! Well balanced and quite delicious.
Sep 10th, 2019
Before this trip I wouldn't have called myself a rosé fan. This is one of the better so far. Crisp and light, not too dry but not very sweet either with just enough body to keep it interesting. If I find it back in the states, definitely a re-purchase (well depending on price of course).
Before this trip I wouldn't have called myself a rosé fan. This is one of the better so far. Crisp and light, not too dry but not very sweet either with just enough body to keep it interesting. If I find it back in the states, definitely a re-purchase (well depending on price of course).
Jul 11th, 2016
Rafraîchissant, fruité, léger, le rose à avoir pour un bon apéro et/ou repas entre amis l'été !
Rafraîchissant, fruité, léger, le rose à avoir pour un bon apéro et/ou repas entre amis l'été !
Jul 16th, 2015