Fresh Cab. With a screw-top. Catches the eye with that unique label. Color is cherry red and light purple. Aroma is plums and ponds. Maybe a hint of horse stable. Flavors are fine. Simple. Plenty tart, bit peaty, juicy red berries. Bright and fresh. Not your usual Cab, but not too bad. It’s kinda a food friendly almost Italian Chianti type thing.
Fresh Cab. With a screw-top. Catches the eye with that unique label. Color is cherry red and light purple. Aroma is plums and ponds. Maybe a hint of horse stable. Flavors are fine. Simple. Plenty tart, bit peaty, juicy red berries. Bright and fresh. Not your usual Cab, but not too bad. It’s kinda a food friendly almost Italian Chianti type thing.
Nov 4th, 2021