From the garages of Shangri-La. 5000 bottle production. Lovely minty cabernet nose, powerful, lifted midpalate that somehow had a Sichuan peppercorn character (lightest flash of citrus), and exceptional finish. Not cheap but well worth it & not least if paired with seared yak & matsutake or something with decent weight. Whereas it overpowered the the crispy pork belly. To watch.
From the garages of Shangri-La. 5000 bottle production. Lovely minty cabernet nose, powerful, lifted midpalate that somehow had a Sichuan peppercorn character (lightest flash of citrus), and exceptional finish. Not cheap but well worth it & not least if paired with seared yak & matsutake or something with decent weight. Whereas it overpowered the the crispy pork belly. To watch.
Sep 4th, 2024