Pedro Rusk
Wine Educator Kendall Jackson
Very hip
Tala Drzewiecki
Wine blogger
This is good stuff. Jean-Michel Morel in the house at Ruby Wine tonight!
Eric Danch
Importer Blue Danube Wines
What I would pour for people who poo-poo orange wine.
Kit H
Fish oil (Saba or mackerel, for instance), wax, butter. Somewhat muted on the palate; caramel nuttiness. Needs food.
Tala had this 10 years ago
Aran Healy
Partner Ruby WIne, Carlotta Cellars, Thistle Cellars
Aran had this 11 years ago
Pax Mahle
Owner/Winemaker Wind Gap Wines, Agharta & Pax
Pax had this 12 years ago
Michael Kanbergs
Wine Director Campo Fina
Michael had this 12 years ago
Tom Nevati
Tom had this 8 years ago
Svetlana Royzen
Svetlana had this 9 years ago