This wine has arrived. The youthful had dropped away and now a solid core remains. Still loaded with bright red fruit. A delight- sorry that it was my last bottle. The wines in a perfect place.
This wine has arrived. The youthful had dropped away and now a solid core remains. Still loaded with bright red fruit. A delight- sorry that it was my last bottle. The wines in a perfect place.
Nov 26th, 2019
The tannins on this have fallen out and are leaving a grainy finish. The ripeness has faded a bit to dried fruit, fig, red, craisin. Still very interesting if a bit more astringent then I remembered.
The tannins on this have fallen out and are leaving a grainy finish. The ripeness has faded a bit to dried fruit, fig, red, craisin. Still very interesting if a bit more astringent then I remembered.
Aug 11th, 2019
Great wine. Bouquet exhibits white pepper and a hint of smoke. Slightly tart dark berry fruit, with zesty pepper, and hints of soft leather.
Great wine. Bouquet exhibits white pepper and a hint of smoke. Slightly tart dark berry fruit, with zesty pepper, and hints of soft leather.
Nov 1st, 2014