
First Wine of the Harvest Beaujolais Nouveau Gamay

8.335 ratings
8.62 pro ratings
Beaujolais, Burgundy, France
Chicken, Game, Turkey, Duck, Goose
Top Notes For
Randy Fuller

The wine looks very dark and smells it, too. Blackberry aromas dominate the nose and palate, with a fair amount of complexity in the forms of minerality. A grapey taste stands front and center with shades of earth showing nicely. The finish is plain and unfettered by nuance. It's good this year, but it’s still not a wine to think too much about, it's a wine to absent-mindedly swirl and sip over good conversation.

The wine looks very dark and smells it, too. Blackberry aromas dominate the nose and palate, with a fair amount of complexity in the forms of minerality. A grapey taste stands front and center with shades of earth showing nicely. The finish is plain and unfettered by nuance. It's good this year, but it’s still not a wine to think too much about, it's a wine to absent-mindedly swirl and sip over good conversation.

Nov 24th, 2016
Douglas Braun

Beaujolais Nouveau- they are simple but delicious banana black cherry kool-aid

Beaujolais Nouveau- they are simple but delicious banana black cherry kool-aid

Nov 19th, 2016
Joseph Gannon

DeBeouf Nouveau

DeBeouf Nouveau

Dec 4th, 2016
Gordon Smouther

This is Bojulais Nuevo. Better than last few years. Surprisingly long finish.

This is Bojulais Nuevo. Better than last few years. Surprisingly long finish.

Dec 3rd, 2016
Scot Edwards

Light and fruity. Not much body.

Light and fruity. Not much body.

Dec 1st, 2016
Jeffrey Paul

Good for Turkey Day, but far from the best Beaujolais I've had.

Good for Turkey Day, but far from the best Beaujolais I've had.

Nov 24th, 2016
Drew Carpenter

Too sweet for my taste, but went over well with the guests.

Too sweet for my taste, but went over well with the guests.

Nov 24th, 2016

Fruity and light. Perfect for the holiday meals.

Fruity and light. Perfect for the holiday meals.

Nov 24th, 2016
Dipak Rajhansa

What one would expect from nouveau Beaujolais. Young and fruity - well balanced.

What one would expect from nouveau Beaujolais. Young and fruity - well balanced.

Nov 24th, 2016
John Mathieu

Available once a year, Thursday of November. Can be bought at Trader Joe's.

Available once a year, Thursday of November. Can be bought at Trader Joe's.

Nov 24th, 2016