Small production, 150 cases, aged 11 months in French oak, 35% new. Met winemaker David Rossi who makes small batches by buying fruit from top vineyards and using a shared winery for crafting his small batch wines. Deep Ruby with a full range of berry aromas with wafts of earthy notes. On the palate blackberry & ripe cherry with oak and subtle spice. Fine tannins, lingering ending with fruit and some dusty spice. Nice now but let’s see if it aged well. I’ll grab a bottle and put it aside. Check back!
Small production, 150 cases, aged 11 months in French oak, 35% new. Met winemaker David Rossi who makes small batches by buying fruit from top vineyards and using a shared winery for crafting his small batch wines. Deep Ruby with a full range of berry aromas with wafts of earthy notes. On the palate blackberry & ripe cherry with oak and subtle spice. Fine tannins, lingering ending with fruit and some dusty spice. Nice now but let’s see if it aged well. I’ll grab a bottle and put it aside. Check back!
Jan 7th, 2024