Maria Grazia Melegari
Beautiful freshness after 18 years! Yellow flowers, plum ripe ,thyme and honey. An elegant and powerful great wine.
Thomas Pastuszak
Sommelier/Wine Director The NoMad
Vertical action: 15yo Verdicchio that behaves like back-vintage Chassagne
Molly Ringe
General Manager Skillet Diner
Natalino is making some amazing wine and this magnum did not disappoint!
Ronnie Sanders
Owner/Importer Vine Street Imports
Ronnie had this 8 years ago
Nniccolò Contenta
Nniccolò had this 11 years ago
Leif Sundström
Importer/Sales Michael Skurnik Wines & Terry Theise Selections
Leif had this 12 years ago
Bo Amis
Bo had this 10 years ago