Jo Florradikal
petrol, petrol, candied oranges, confectionary peaches, spearmint finish. I want to use it as a perfume. beautiful
Sybaritewino C.Lawrence
Lemon & petrol. Bit flat.
Jeff Sidwell
Owner Bon! Gourmet
Good juice a little petroleum very low acidity 😩 13% level citrus oil and flowers
Yianni Stone
Dry, minerality, slight effervescent, fantastic
Tobin Spratte
Strong citrus and candied lemon aromas with accents of petrol and flowers. Nice finish. Tasty but not particularly memorable.
Anne Visser
Fruitig en jong, met een aangegaan zuurtje
Naomi P.R.
Beautiful. Minerally. Nice and dry.
Matt Adams
Slightly sweet. Slight honey. Floral
Nick Ferrall
A bit flat and boring.