Juan Pablo Perez
Nariz: limon, fruta tropical, piedra mojada, fosforosBoca: Acidez M+, Alcohol M/M+
Light, pleasant, paired nicely with seasoned shrimp and roasted. potatoes
Peter Martin
Balanced with depth freak kiwi & cumquat.
Jonas Johansson
I usually love Sancerre. However this one is flat.
Stephen Mathews
Stephen had this 7 years ago
John Howard
Harvest production at Hirsch and Cobb Wineries
John had this 7 years ago
Chris Grimm
Chris had this 4 years ago
Jose Otero
Jose had this 4 years ago
Meredith Cornell
Meredith had this 4 years ago
Cecelia Magnani
Cecelia had this 5 years ago