Smells of melon with a bit of honey. Balanced, peachy and soft. Neither super sweet nor viscous late harvest, only third time in production in 30 yrs. Cheesecake! Will age well.
Smells of melon with a bit of honey. Balanced, peachy and soft. Neither super sweet nor viscous late harvest, only third time in production in 30 yrs. Cheesecake! Will age well.
Apr 13th, 2016
13.5% This is a desert wine called Soleil, 2005 vintage. Sonoma County, Healdsburg, CA. Not $10. The program has mislabeled this wine. This special wine was made from grapes with Botrytis cineria, which makes it even more prized.
13.5% This is a desert wine called Soleil, 2005 vintage. Sonoma County, Healdsburg, CA. Not $10. The program has mislabeled this wine. This special wine was made from grapes with Botrytis cineria, which makes it even more prized.
Mar 21st, 2015
It's a good white dessert. But compared to the others we have had, it's middle of the pack.
It's a good white dessert. But compared to the others we have had, it's middle of the pack.
Mar 12th, 2013