Porkys mom
Gloria’s bday
Deep, bold wine. A bit of licorice, a bit of oak. Great structure, noticeable tannins. Will do a good steak justice. Nice!
Allyson Dreyfuss
Pyrazines are through the roof on this wine. Super green bell peppery. It dominates the flavors and I can’t get passed that 😣
Craig Wallace
Cheeky south american Shagger!
Courtney Caldwell
She's serving fig newton. Salta wine.
Lauren Harner
Lauren had this 10 years ago
Florian Scheef
Florian had this 5 years ago
Brian Bordainick
Brian had this 7 years ago
Ralf Lindemann
Ralf had this 8 years ago
G Cramer
G had this 9 years ago