Dried dates, raisin, red plum, black pepper, balsamic, leather, dusty.
Mint, tobacco, black tea, anise.
Dried dates, raisin, red plum, black pepper, balsamic, leather, dusty.
Mint, tobacco, black tea, anise.
Feb 25th, 2018Delicious Barolo, approachable, on the lighter side. Very nice!
Delicious Barolo, approachable, on the lighter side. Very nice!
Dec 4th, 20182012. Italian wines are a mystery so time to learn more. Slight rusty color, peat and coffee. I loved it.
2012. Italian wines are a mystery so time to learn more. Slight rusty color, peat and coffee. I loved it.
Sep 18th, 2018Det fick stå och dra nästan hela dagen. Så rosigt! Lite plommon, örtigt, bärigt. Säger pang i flabben. 👌🏽❤️
Det fick stå och dra nästan hela dagen. Så rosigt! Lite plommon, örtigt, bärigt. Säger pang i flabben. 👌🏽❤️
Jul 13th, 2018