Saying this is an entry level Chablis like saying Captain Ahab was a middling fisherman. Not the best, but good for obsessively smiting ones enemies.
Saying this is an entry level Chablis like saying Captain Ahab was a middling fisherman. Not the best, but good for obsessively smiting ones enemies.
1 person found it helpfulMay 17th, 2015
Lemon, green apple, high acid. Very crisp and refreshing.
Lemon, green apple, high acid. Very crisp and refreshing.
Jul 13th, 2019
Not bad. Recommended at my local wine store. Struck me as very slightly harsh. It does have the succulence that I associate with great Chablis, but this is underpinned by this mild harshness that diminished my enjoyment. I was with people I love eating a great dinner at the time, so I bear it no grudge.
Not bad. Recommended at my local wine store. Struck me as very slightly harsh. It does have the succulence that I associate with great Chablis, but this is underpinned by this mild harshness that diminished my enjoyment. I was with people I love eating a great dinner at the time, so I bear it no grudge.
Apr 17th, 2017