Completely shut down and hollow on opening. Thought it was an off bottle. But after a few hours the wine made a comeback to become a perfect southern Rhône with the ‘intense 16 fruits, underbrush, minerality and leather.. This one will hold an improve.
Completely shut down and hollow on opening. Thought it was an off bottle. But after a few hours the wine made a comeback to become a perfect southern Rhône with the ‘intense 16 fruits, underbrush, minerality and leather.. This one will hold an improve.
Jun 18th, 2022
Lovely southern Rhône, fits the weather perfectly, chilled a bit. Juicy, herbs, already tertiary notes. My kind a wine.
Lovely southern Rhône, fits the weather perfectly, chilled a bit. Juicy, herbs, already tertiary notes. My kind a wine.
Aug 8th, 2020