Apricot, vanilla, some white flowers too. A usual condrieu nose with a barrel twist. I like it. The palate is very wide and long but goes on step by step. There width and a silky, almost velvety mouthfeel. There is apricot all along, the mouthfeel stays on for a long while and overcomes the fruit, some much so that the structure lingers longer. It came along with home made foie gras (half cooked with cognac) and it was a very nice pairing. Merry Christmas to all of you, wine lovers!
Apricot, vanilla, some white flowers too. A usual condrieu nose with a barrel twist. I like it. The palate is very wide and long but goes on step by step. There width and a silky, almost velvety mouthfeel. There is apricot all along, the mouthfeel stays on for a long while and overcomes the fruit, some much so that the structure lingers longer. It came along with home made foie gras (half cooked with cognac) and it was a very nice pairing. Merry Christmas to all of you, wine lovers!
Dec 25th, 2020Light golden straw colored Condrieu. Aromas of oak, flavors of green young pears, oak and minerality. A solid choice.
Light golden straw colored Condrieu. Aromas of oak, flavors of green young pears, oak and minerality. A solid choice.
Feb 17th, 202021/III/2017
Цвет золотой. Насыщенный аромат с преобладанием перезрелых желтых фруктов, сладкого яблочного сока, каштанового мёда, прополиса. Полное тело, во вкусе курага, вяленая груша, засахаренные апельсиновые корки, пряности (ваниль, корица). Не очень высокая кислотность; медовое послевкусие средней продолжительности. 16,5/20
Цвет золотой. Насыщенный аромат с преобладанием перезрелых желтых фруктов, сладкого яблочного сока, каштанового мёда, прополиса. Полное тело, во вкусе курага, вяленая груша, засахаренные апельсиновые корки, пряности (ваниль, корица). Не очень высокая кислотность; медовое послевкусие средней продолжительности. 16,5/20
Mar 21st, 2017