Fer Servadou. Woo! Savory and herbal and living in the same suburban development as Loire Cab Franc. More anise, maybe? Regardless, love it. Wish it didn't have a Nomacorc. Probably better younger anyway.
Fer Servadou. Woo! Savory and herbal and living in the same suburban development as Loire Cab Franc. More anise, maybe? Regardless, love it. Wish it didn't have a Nomacorc. Probably better younger anyway.
Jan 20th, 2015
Nose of vanilla, red berries. Fruity palate with a nice balance between acidity and fruit. Strawberry, cherry, a touch of vanilla too. Braucol does the trick! Pretty long finish too, on top of everything
Nose of vanilla, red berries. Fruity palate with a nice balance between acidity and fruit. Strawberry, cherry, a touch of vanilla too. Braucol does the trick! Pretty long finish too, on top of everything
Aug 3rd, 2017