Leckeres Stöffchen mit ganz viel Depot. Würzige Frucht, gute Tannine, einfach lecker.
Es war die 1,5 l Flasche.
Leckeres Stöffchen mit ganz viel Depot. Würzige Frucht, gute Tannine, einfach lecker.
Es war die 1,5 l Flasche.
Dec 25th, 2020
Aromatic aroma, lots of tanning. cariginan 95%. Fermented residues or raw water like taste @1400/g, FLV, 171007
Aromatic aroma, lots of tanning. cariginan 95%. Fermented residues or raw water like taste @1400/g, FLV, 171007
Oct 7th, 2017
Wonderful sweetness to the fruit, goes perfectly sour for balance on the midpalate. 2012 still has some tannin-- revisit 2-3 years.
Wonderful sweetness to the fruit, goes perfectly sour for balance on the midpalate. 2012 still has some tannin-- revisit 2-3 years.
Jul 19th, 2016