From oldish vines, only 33% new oak. Developed and ready to drink. Sour berries, pomegranate, herbs, potting soil. Honeslty I do get some bret here, not that it ruins the wine or anything but remarkable since this a €800 bottle.
From oldish vines, only 33% new oak. Developed and ready to drink. Sour berries, pomegranate, herbs, potting soil. Honeslty I do get some bret here, not that it ruins the wine or anything but remarkable since this a €800 bottle.
May 6th, 2022
Amazing wild strawberry, cherry & pine notes as well as white & black pepper, with slight Asian spice. On the palate it’s incredibly balanced, light on its feet yet has amazing depth, and mineral character. Such complexity, finesse & pleasure 🥰
Amazing wild strawberry, cherry & pine notes as well as white & black pepper, with slight Asian spice. On the palate it’s incredibly balanced, light on its feet yet has amazing depth, and mineral character. Such complexity, finesse & pleasure 🥰
Sep 23rd, 2019
Almost perfect for me. Elegant, silky, lasting, evolving, and haunting. What wine should be.
Almost perfect for me. Elegant, silky, lasting, evolving, and haunting. What wine should be.
Feb 24th, 2018