Big, round but. It flabby. Great nose of white fruit, mouth-filling core that matched up perfectly with a fresh carrot soup. Impressed for $$.
Big, round but. It flabby. Great nose of white fruit, mouth-filling core that matched up perfectly with a fresh carrot soup. Impressed for $$.
Feb 4th, 2018
Rich and powerful. Honeyed, waxy nose of tropical fruit, spiced nuts and ripe green grapes. Dense and concentrated on the palate with a long finish. A little bit chubby..
Rich and powerful. Honeyed, waxy nose of tropical fruit, spiced nuts and ripe green grapes. Dense and concentrated on the palate with a long finish. A little bit chubby..
Mar 7th, 2015
Clear, medium intensity and gold appearance. Clean, pronounced intensity, passion fruit, nectarine, floral, melon, strawberry, creme brûlée, acetone to the nose. Complex, well balanced, with a long finish.
Clear, medium intensity and gold appearance. Clean, pronounced intensity, passion fruit, nectarine, floral, melon, strawberry, creme brûlée, acetone to the nose. Complex, well balanced, with a long finish.
Nov 17th, 2014