
Dry Tokaji Furmint

8.63 ratings
8.51 pro ratings
Tokaj, Eszak-Magyarorszag, Hungary
Top Notes For
Sybaritewino C.Lawrence

Best value & least boring wine on the list at a bustling Singapore venue. Close to its edge, but drinking well, with honey, wax, lanolin and lemon on nose and palate. Fun drink in the broiling tropical sun.

Best value & least boring wine on the list at a bustling Singapore venue. Close to its edge, but drinking well, with honey, wax, lanolin and lemon on nose and palate. Fun drink in the broiling tropical sun.

Jul 1st, 2016
Emily Salko

Emily had this 10 years ago

Emily had this 10 years ago

Jul 8th, 2014
Alexander Keiller

Alexander had this 10 years ago

Alexander had this 10 years ago

Jul 1st, 2014