Cono Sur
Tocornal Valle Central Carmenere
As many Cono Sur wines, we have a cheap but pleasant and honest wine. Perfect for everyday meals.
As many Cono Sur wines, we have a cheap but pleasant and honest wine. Perfect for everyday meals.
Oct 4th, 2014Rojo intenso con tonos ruby, un vino joven de aromas florales y ciruelas, algo de chocolate y frutos tropicales como la banana, y con poca presencia de taninos muy fácil de digerir de bouque suave y duración corta en boca después de tragar.
Rojo intenso con tonos ruby, un vino joven de aromas florales y ciruelas, algo de chocolate y frutos tropicales como la banana, y con poca presencia de taninos muy fácil de digerir de bouque suave y duración corta en boca después de tragar.
Aug 17th, 2019With a beautiful ruby/blood color, this wine offers a fruity smell, in mouth you get many red fruits, and smooth scents, in mouth is colorful and joyful, tastes like plums and beers, and you may get some sweet and very little acid. Taste does not lasts too much, but very easy to drink.
With a beautiful ruby/blood color, this wine offers a fruity smell, in mouth you get many red fruits, and smooth scents, in mouth is colorful and joyful, tastes like plums and beers, and you may get some sweet and very little acid. Taste does not lasts too much, but very easy to drink.
Aug 17th, 2019It's a very good wine affordable for the price and very tasty for a great meal
It's a very good wine affordable for the price and very tasty for a great meal
Feb 3rd, 2019Среднетелое, черноягодный, немного прелый, аромат ежевики, черноплодной рябины, чернослива, немного слабоватые танины, вполне приличный карменер.
Среднетелое, черноягодный, немного прелый, аромат ежевики, черноплодной рябины, чернослива, немного слабоватые танины, вполне приличный карменер.
Jan 29th, 2017a little astringent, but goes well will meet. strong in nose.
a little astringent, but goes well will meet. strong in nose.
Jan 1st, 2015