My wife poured me a glass of this wine, and I was quickly taken by the bold and chewy feel on my palette. In addition to the berry flavor and smokey nose, I was anxious to find out the maker of this great wine. When I realized I was drinking Clos du Bois, I quickly became a fan. Terrific Wine!
My wife poured me a glass of this wine, and I was quickly taken by the bold and chewy feel on my palette. In addition to the berry flavor and smokey nose, I was anxious to find out the maker of this great wine. When I realized I was drinking Clos du Bois, I quickly became a fan. Terrific Wine!
Jan 4th, 2015
Six years in cellar, at it's best!! This Californian wine is one of the best price/quality Merlot on my opinion
Six years in cellar, at it's best!! This Californian wine is one of the best price/quality Merlot on my opinion
Jun 7th, 2013