Mark Eastom
75% Merlot 25% Cab. Cedar, cigar box, dried fruits, olive tapenade, dirt, wet leaves, menthol, medium tannins, prunes on the finish and nice acid.
Henry Fuseler
1/2024. Medium bodied merlot cab blend. Good flavor and easy to drink.
rafal federowicz
full bodied, oaky, oily, red fruits. merlot with some cabernet sauvignon.
Mais non!
For $11, this is really good value
Traci Mogil
Full body, oak spice
Pierre And Paula Soler
A bit oily and sweet. First White Bordeaux tasted
Dmitri Brown
Big fruit. Juicy, light acid finish.
Matt Sterr
Matt had this 3 years ago
Robert Schumacher