Tastes like almonds we drank at retirement party of jean luc with paul et edithe
Tastes like almonds we drank at retirement party of jean luc with paul et edithe
Sep 6th, 2020Strawberry notes
Jul 1st, 2018Well balanced refreshing rose
Well balanced refreshing rose
Apr 8th, 2018Great rosé! Strawberry, light acidity. Superb for those hot summer days!
Great rosé! Strawberry, light acidity. Superb for those hot summer days!
Aug 26th, 2017Le smoking valée. Tasty and dry.
Le smoking valée. Tasty and dry.
Jun 15th, 20172015. 13.5% alcool. Malgré une robe très pâle, ne manque pas de goût. Sec mais un certain fruit - un agrume? - sans avoir de sucre.
2015. 13.5% alcool. Malgré une robe très pâle, ne manque pas de goût. Sec mais un certain fruit - un agrume? - sans avoir de sucre.
Jun 15th, 2016Kyle had this 9 years ago
Kyle had this 9 years ago
Jun 20th, 2016Mélanie had this 6 years ago
Mélanie had this 6 years ago
Jul 14th, 2018Benjamin had this 7 years ago
Benjamin had this 7 years ago
Jul 22nd, 2017Anna had this 7 years ago
Anna had this 7 years ago
Jun 26th, 2017