Appearance- clear, deep ruby. Nose- clean, medium intensity, black fruit and notes of black pepper. Palate- dry, low acid, medium minus tannins, medium body, blackberry, more earth driven, umami flavored. Slow finish. Old world ready to drink cab at 10 a bottle. ABV- 13%
Appearance- clear, deep ruby. Nose- clean, medium intensity, black fruit and notes of black pepper. Palate- dry, low acid, medium minus tannins, medium body, blackberry, more earth driven, umami flavored. Slow finish. Old world ready to drink cab at 10 a bottle. ABV- 13%
Nov 16th, 2015
It's not bad. Like a previous reviewer said, better as it airs out a bit. Still a little rough around the edges though.
It's not bad. Like a previous reviewer said, better as it airs out a bit. Still a little rough around the edges though.
Feb 9th, 2015