Фиалки, вишня, чуть лакокраска, выпечка и ваниль. Хорошая живая кислотность, элегантно, легко. Мощные танины. Нормально, базовый неббиоло, аккуратный, 88/100
Фиалки, вишня, чуть лакокраска, выпечка и ваниль. Хорошая живая кислотность, элегантно, легко. Мощные танины. Нормально, базовый неббиоло, аккуратный, 88/100
Jun 8th, 2020
Fresh & vibrant & slightly rustic (in an attractive way) with cherry compote, some cedar wood & a pinch of sweet herbs. On the palate this is full of crunchy cherries with brilliant acidity and medium, juicy tannins. Finishes of with a note of undergrowth & exotic spice. A very attractive red, though closer to a ‘normal’ Langhe Nebbiolo than a ‘classic’ Barbaresco.
Fresh & vibrant & slightly rustic (in an attractive way) with cherry compote, some cedar wood & a pinch of sweet herbs. On the palate this is full of crunchy cherries with brilliant acidity and medium, juicy tannins. Finishes of with a note of undergrowth & exotic spice. A very attractive red, though closer to a ‘normal’ Langhe Nebbiolo than a ‘classic’ Barbaresco.
Jan 9th, 2020