Cantina Sardus Pater
Is Arenas Riserva Carignano del Sulcis Sardegna Carignane

Vintage 2014 / above all spicyness and warmth, underlying red fruit, good acidity
Vintage 2014 / above all spicyness and warmth, underlying red fruit, good acidity
Jul 27th, 20182010
Sardus Pater la cantina sociale dell'isola di Sant'Antioco. Terreni sabbiosi, basse rese , tanto sole e vento.
Il primo impatto è' un frutto scuro,una prugna o ciliegie morello, pampepato, scorze d'arancio candite.
Una splendida freschezza riempie la bocca seguita da un tannino preciso ma ben integrato .Succoso, lascia la bocca dopo un bel po' con ritorni di fico e prugne secchi
Sardus Pater la cantina sociale dell'isola di Sant'Antioco. Terreni sabbiosi, basse rese , tanto sole e vento.
Il primo impatto è' un frutto scuro,una prugna o ciliegie morello, pampepato, scorze d'arancio candite.
Una splendida freschezza riempie la bocca seguita da un tannino preciso ma ben integrato .Succoso, lascia la bocca dopo un bel po' con ritorni di fico e prugne secchi
2009. Lovely. Round. Finesse. Balanced. Thanks Chaad for the great drop. I want more.
2009. Lovely. Round. Finesse. Balanced. Thanks Chaad for the great drop. I want more.
May 22nd, 2015
2008 Vintage. Dark ruby red in the glass. The nose offers up lilac, high toned cherry, strawberry preserves, chamomile tea and clay. Black raspberry, & shortbread burst onto the palate, but this wine is all about texture. Very rich, polished, texture that has bright acidity to bring this wine full circle. Very fun and complex wine.
2008 Vintage. Dark ruby red in the glass. The nose offers up lilac, high toned cherry, strawberry preserves, chamomile tea and clay. Black raspberry, & shortbread burst onto the palate, but this wine is all about texture. Very rich, polished, texture that has bright acidity to bring this wine full circle. Very fun and complex wine.
Feb 8th, 2015
Pleasant but off balance. Red fruit and licorice on the nose. After 1 hour aeration, alcohol was still sharp. Did pair nicely with sweet Italian sausage and tomato sauce.
Pleasant but off balance. Red fruit and licorice on the nose. After 1 hour aeration, alcohol was still sharp. Did pair nicely with sweet Italian sausage and tomato sauce.
Aug 31st, 2014Прекрасный аромат (черника), вино мягкое и элегантное. Сардиния, Остров Сан-Антиоко. Сорт Кариньяно. 2010. Супер!
Прекрасный аромат (черника), вино мягкое и элегантное. Сардиния, Остров Сан-Антиоко. Сорт Кариньяно. 2010. Супер!
May 13th, 20172008 vintage. Strawberry jam, frambois. Fruit forward. Enjoyable. Short on the back end.
2008 vintage. Strawberry jam, frambois. Fruit forward. Enjoyable. Short on the back end.
Aug 27th, 2016