Bodegas Piqueras
Black Label Old Vines Garnacha Tintorera

Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger,
Ouch! People haven’t rated this wine very nicely. I think for the price it is kickass! #garnacha #garnachatintonera #almansa #spain #winesofspain #winesfromspain btw can age in bottle. I’m drinking the 2016 and it is super fresh.
Ouch! People haven’t rated this wine very nicely. I think for the price it is kickass! #garnacha #garnachatintonera #almansa #spain #winesofspain #winesfromspain btw can age in bottle. I’m drinking the 2016 and it is super fresh.
Aug 12th, 2020#vino #rojo #red #wine tasting #notforme #toostrong
#winewatch #españa #almansa #garnacha #tintorera
#vino #rojo #red #wine tasting #notforme #toostrong
#winewatch #españa #almansa #garnacha #tintorera

Medium bodied and dry with dark fruit and spice. $12.
Medium bodied and dry with dark fruit and spice. $12.
Aug 8th, 2017
Nice tannins, a hint of sweetness nice Swedish berries, medium acid, really nice
Nice tannins, a hint of sweetness nice Swedish berries, medium acid, really nice
Apr 6th, 2017