Attila Pince
Turán Pinot Noir
8.82 ratings
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Eger, Eszak-Magyarorszag, Hungary
Pinot Noir
Top Notes For
So, I was warned that this is not like any Pinot noir I’ve ever had, and boy howdy is that the truth. First thing, the nose is wild: heavy dried figs and pepper. But then you taste it. What is going on here? Peppery and kinda sweet and a little sour and...this wine is wild, that’s all I can say.
So, I was warned that this is not like any Pinot noir I’ve ever had, and boy howdy is that the truth. First thing, the nose is wild: heavy dried figs and pepper. But then you taste it. What is going on here? Peppery and kinda sweet and a little sour and...this wine is wild, that’s all I can say.
Nov 11th, 2019