Arianna Occhipinti
Sicilia Grappa di Frappato

Our unintended yet delightful meal at Leuca ended with a small pour of this grappa. I haven't been one to drink grappa since doing a spot of archaeology in Albania some years back where we would down tumblers full to kill off the bad stuff from the mountains of mussels we'd eat. Grappa and Raki - I never got sick thanks to that duo.
This grappa was a step up from my previous experience, with a complex, musty aroma and satisfying though not overwhelming heat.
Our unintended yet delightful meal at Leuca ended with a small pour of this grappa. I haven't been one to drink grappa since doing a spot of archaeology in Albania some years back where we would down tumblers full to kill off the bad stuff from the mountains of mussels we'd eat. Grappa and Raki - I never got sick thanks to that duo.
This grappa was a step up from my previous experience, with a complex, musty aroma and satisfying though not overwhelming heat.