Tastes very youthful still. A bit of mercaptan-y type reduction, but that's hardly a fatal flaw. Wish we had decanted it. Or saved it for another decade.
Tastes very youthful still. A bit of mercaptan-y type reduction, but that's hardly a fatal flaw. Wish we had decanted it. Or saved it for another decade.
Mar 29th, 2015
Apricot, peach, petrol, slate. Textured and balanced.
Apricot, peach, petrol, slate. Textured and balanced.
Sep 21st, 2022
The edge of the knife. Flint and plastic uppercut on the nose. Acid-mania. A lean-ness that you wouldn't expect in the new world and the kind of sharp attack that wine geeks go nuts for. Fun.
The edge of the knife. Flint and plastic uppercut on the nose. Acid-mania. A lean-ness that you wouldn't expect in the new world and the kind of sharp attack that wine geeks go nuts for. Fun.
Aug 26th, 2015