Felipe Ferreiro
Sommelier/Wine Director Restaurante Las Rias Bajas
Magnificat Juvé & Camps
Joanne Franzel
Crisp and drinkable
Great with tapas
William Milton
Sesame notes
Delish! Dry Farm. Post crab cakes on Mem Day Thurs
Gwyn Quillen
This crisp wine is great with seafood or by the pool. A great value, from Holiday Wine Cellar.
Leslie Hebert
This is a crisp and fruity but not sweet wine that is easy to drink. Excellent for a warm summer evening.
Camille Puglia
A bright-flavored, golden-hued cuvée from the Anima Negra producers. A perfect start to lunch near the beach.
Fenn Ratcliffe
Paired perfectly with shrimp green gazpacho.
Valerie Rollo
Has a fish on the label and the smell is like dead fish....first taste very mineral-y and bitter. Smooths out but still not great.