I love this blend. The obvious comparison would be Apothic Dark, but It is not as dark or heavy as Apothic yet even though I love a heavy full bodied wine this wine has a perfect blend of light and dark. It is much easier to drink than Apothic Dark without loosing the good flavor. Because it's a blend I can't put my finger on the exact tones of this wine but it feels quite neutral with an easy finish
I love this blend. The obvious comparison would be Apothic Dark, but It is not as dark or heavy as Apothic yet even though I love a heavy full bodied wine this wine has a perfect blend of light and dark. It is much easier to drink than Apothic Dark without loosing the good flavor. Because it's a blend I can't put my finger on the exact tones of this wine but it feels quite neutral with an easy finish
Oct 6th, 2016