Very smooth and light with little if any dryness has notes of fresh fruit. It's a bit sweet for my taste and not to full or dark like a cab should be. So I'll rate it in the middle. — 8 years ago
I love this blend. The obvious comparison would be Apothic Dark, but It is not as dark or heavy as Apothic yet even though I love a heavy full bodied wine this wine has a perfect blend of light and dark. It is much easier to drink than Apothic Dark without loosing the good flavor. Because it's a blend I can't put my finger on the exact tones of this wine but it feels quite neutral with an easy finish — 8 years ago
Love it! This wine is not what I was expecting. It doesn’t have the heavy cab feel but it has so little sweetness unlike other blends, so devoid of sweetness that I love it even though it doesn’t have a full body it’s so drinkable! — 7 years ago
Great cab, nice and dry full body with little or no sweetness has a strange finish almost piny like spruce or fir. — 8 years ago
This cab has a lot of acidity not full would not recommend — 9 years ago
Perfect balance for dryness and fruitiness. Great finish with little after taste. But the foundation flavor is a bit off the mark so it has a different tone than most cabs. Still worth trying :) — 9 years ago
Good flavor, well rounded but I prefer my cabs dry and less sweet. This one is nether but a decent cab nonetheless. — 7 years ago
Wonderful flavor, nice and dry, full body with little or no sweetness. I'm loving it — 8 years ago
When it said black cloud I expected a heavy full bodied wine. From the description it makes it sound like this is a great dark red but don't be fooled by the description, this is a sweet, sweet red wine good for beginners and dessert Nothing more. — 8 years ago
Chris Dreher
Very drinkable a bit on the light side for a cab also a tad tart with a fresh fruit taste, but not sweet which is important to me. I would buy again. — 7 years ago