Alfred Merkelbach
Ürziger Würzgarten Auslese Riesling

Vintage 2019 | frivolous with tension, lovely
Vintage 2019 | frivolous with tension, lovely
Mar 18th, 2025
Vintage 1976 | gold colour, butter, jasmin, pine forrest, rounded and balanced taste. At 46 years 😁
Vintage 1976 | gold colour, butter, jasmin, pine forrest, rounded and balanced taste. At 46 years 😁
Jun 30th, 2022
Vintage 1990 | Fuder 10/90. Small differences depending on the Fuder in which the wine was made. Gold in colour. Mango, banana and minerality in smell, much tension in taste, little bitterness in aftertaste.
Vintage 1990 | Fuder 10/90. Small differences depending on the Fuder in which the wine was made. Gold in colour. Mango, banana and minerality in smell, much tension in taste, little bitterness in aftertaste.
Jun 30th, 2022
Vintage 1990 | Fuder 9/90 Wow, 32 years old and vital. Only 9,5% alcohol. Gold in colour. Multi layered in smell: jasmin, ananas, mango and marsepan. Beautiful balance.
Vintage 1990 | Fuder 9/90 Wow, 32 years old and vital. Only 9,5% alcohol. Gold in colour. Multi layered in smell: jasmin, ananas, mango and marsepan. Beautiful balance.
Jun 30th, 2022
Vintage 2002 | Family bbq | Amazingly young, awesome balance, probably a wine that can easily ripen 5, 10, 15 years further. Great acidity, liveliness.
Vintage 2002 | Family bbq | Amazingly young, awesome balance, probably a wine that can easily ripen 5, 10, 15 years further. Great acidity, liveliness.
Sep 12th, 2021
Vintage 2012 | I suffer from winterblues. My solution is to drink contrary: this buttery Riesling brightens up.
Vintage 2012 | I suffer from winterblues. My solution is to drink contrary: this buttery Riesling brightens up.
Dec 1st, 2020
Vintage 2012 | First day with summer temperature. This is my night cap. Awesome balance in this Classy Riesling that combines nice sweetness with vivid acidity.
Vintage 2012 | First day with summer temperature. This is my night cap. Awesome balance in this Classy Riesling that combines nice sweetness with vivid acidity.
May 21st, 2020
A testament to the ageability of quality producers at even entry level Mosel Qmp. In the glass, still some silver and green. Low alc, so obviously little tearing (I keep hearing tearing is viscosity, but from a chemistry standpoint, it's rate of alcohol evaporation). Acidity, so on point and defining. Chemical petrol wafts off, dried moss, oregano, candied orange peel, zest, orange kind of shows off for a while.
For $25 from a Terry Theise pre-sale, this is a goddamned steal. I'd pay twice this and smile while doing it. Buy it by the case, where you can find it.
A testament to the ageability of quality producers at even entry level Mosel Qmp. In the glass, still some silver and green. Low alc, so obviously little tearing (I keep hearing tearing is viscosity, but from a chemistry standpoint, it's rate of alcohol evaporation). Acidity, so on point and defining. Chemical petrol wafts off, dried moss, oregano, candied orange peel, zest, orange kind of shows off for a while.
For $25 from a Terry Theise pre-sale, this is a goddamned steal. I'd pay twice this and smile while doing it. Buy it by the case, where you can find it.