Adrien Camut

Rareté Calvados du Pays d'Auge

9.86 ratings
9.93 pro ratings
Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Normandy, France
Top Notes For
Justin Timsit, MS

Wine Director, The Rittenhouse


55 year

55 year

Oct 14th, 2015
Edward Zimmerman

The #Calvados! The family of Adrien Camut provides a glass of ethereal history.

The #Calvados! The family of Adrien Camut provides a glass of ethereal history.

Aug 7th, 2015
Alex Alvärëz

Average age of the brandies in this Calvados: 60+ years. A thing like this defies description but I'll try: green apple jolly rancher, desiccated apples, wood lacquer, old old leather, burnt cinnamon, poached pear, bubblegum, and dank cellar.

Average age of the brandies in this Calvados: 60+ years. A thing like this defies description but I'll try: green apple jolly rancher, desiccated apples, wood lacquer, old old leather, burnt cinnamon, poached pear, bubblegum, and dank cellar.

Mar 24th, 2015
Edward Zimmerman

Possibly the greatest #Calvados there is. I hope this bottles doesn't become a stranger

Possibly the greatest #Calvados there is. I hope this bottles doesn't become a stranger

Sep 27th, 2015
Scott Stewart

Just about perfect...

Just about perfect...

Aug 7th, 2017
Jennifer V. Cole

This just ruined all other Calvados for me. Ho.Lee.Hell. 😍 Quince!

This just ruined all other Calvados for me. Ho.Lee.Hell. 😍 Quince!

Mar 17th, 2016
Naoyuki Honda

Naoyuki had this 9 years ago

Naoyuki had this 9 years ago

Jan 25th, 2016