Brief notes. Family dinner at my brothers house - sister and her hubby visiting from England. This selection from Mike’s Wall of Wendouree “. This was more black fruit plummy opulence than usual for Wendouree. Rich and intense which is par for the course with this producer. Consumed a little young at only 14 years of age. This is the Cabernet Malbec not the Shiraz Mataro.
Brief notes. Family dinner at my brothers house - sister and her hubby visiting from England. This selection from Mike’s Wall of Wendouree “. This was more black fruit plummy opulence than usual for Wendouree. Rich and intense which is par for the course with this producer. Consumed a little young at only 14 years of age. This is the Cabernet Malbec not the Shiraz Mataro.
Nov 5th, 2023