
Cédric Garreau

Gar'o'vin SomnamBulles Grolleau - Cabernet Franc Rosé Blend

Matthew Roesch

Matthew Roesch Influencer Badge

Love that wine! As geeky as it gets.
Ivan London

Ivan London

@Matthew Roesch totally! Really enjoy this dude's stuff. I need to reload on the #pètnat and #chenin

Shion Winery


Liked it more the second time. The #wine, a crispy, crunchy, texturally pleasing #koshu #pètnat, is a cruise of mouth massaging joy, & at just 11% alcohol, eminently smashable, especially on a warm evening after a long day on the bike. — 9 years ago

Lauren liked this
Sybaritewino C.Lawrence

Sybaritewino C.Lawrence Influencer Badge

@laurenvance have a bottle here in SF. Working in Berkeley. Get some folks together to try.