Oh sorry but sometimes I LURVE the things I feel a smidge guilty loving. But the chemists at Barefoot have figured a blend that is better than every other acrid, overly boozy, stale fruity, icky-wine-y REAL sangria I’ve ever had. Is it real? I don’t care at this instant. It’s yummy. If I were a better human I’d be contemplating sustainability but right now I’m thinking of peeps at their local supermarket wanting something tasty to bring them closer to friends. And sometime human connection is what wine (and it’s..um, descendants) is best for. — 7 years ago
This is like biting into a fresh strawberry that has been soaking in the bottom of your wine spritzer. Aka the best part of the drink except you get a whole glass of it. I’m amazed how fresh it was. And I’m from so Missouri so happy to see a drink with grapes from Augusta. First AVA, babieeeees! — 7 years ago
So far maybe my favorite non-bubbly canned wine wine. Peaches and cranberries and a whiff of residual sugar but this one is laid back. It’s not trying to get your attention or be overly complicated. It is me in a slip dress if I may so flatter myself. — 7 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Rather peachy and totally plush. I’m trying to avoid straws but this one is rather fetch. Lovely can if you are gonna go bubbly poolside. — 7 years ago