Interestingly, this was the best-conditioned white of the night. Of course it had to be one I’m not particularly fond of, but I’m still very thankful that there wasn’t even a hint of discernible [premature] oxidation. The nose hits you with a melange of fruits ranging from pineapples to mangoes to peaches and candied orange peels, followed by notes of cream, honey, and some woody, floral nuances. On the palate, it was expectedly rich and rounded, yet still maintained some juicy energy. Finished lightly bitter with a herbaceous touch. An archetypal CDP blanc! Would be better with the right food.
Interestingly, this was the best-conditioned white of the night. Of course it had to be one I’m not particularly fond of, but I’m still very thankful that there wasn’t even a hint of discernible [premature] oxidation. The nose hits you with a melange of fruits ranging from pineapples to mangoes to peaches and candied orange peels, followed by notes of cream, honey, and some woody, floral nuances. On the palate, it was expectedly rich and rounded, yet still maintained some juicy energy. Finished lightly bitter with a herbaceous touch. An archetypal CDP blanc! Would be better with the right food.
May 7th, 2024